

Let’s be real for a second. As much as I try to be positive, I sometimes find myself feeling a slight envy for those who have it “better” than me. It is SO easy to look at your own life and pick out all the things that are wrong with it, don’t you think

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Suffering is an inevitable part of life. And while there are different severities of suffering, everyone suffers in one way or another. I wouldn’t necessarily say that I am suffering at the moment but I do feel like I’m in a small pit in the valley

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There are days when I wake up and feel the weight of the world on my shoulders. So many unanswered questions that leave me lying awake at night. The uncertainty of what is to come exhausts every fibre within my soul

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For the longest time, I waited for a miracle. Many nights were spent begging for You to change him; for You to make him believe that You are who You are; for You to touch his cold, cold heart.

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When everything felt like it was falling apart at the beginning of the year, I told myself one thing – that I would not give up and that I would not give Him up. Even when I felt so alone and hopeless, I knew that His plans were far greater than I could ever imagine.

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