White Tank Top – Topshop
Denim Overall Dress – Bershka
Shoes – Nike Roshe One Retro
Lipstick (Capricious) – 3CE by Stylenanda
If there is one thing I absolutely love about my childhood, it would be wearing overalls. I used to adore my checkered overalls from Osh Kosh B’gosh because wearing them meant that we were going out shopping and I could twin with my brother Derek (he had a matching pair). I mean, who wouldn’t want that right?
As time went on, overalls lost its prominence in the fashion scene but has made an almighty comeback over the last few years. It took me quite a while to find one that I liked and my patience paid off because I found this denim overalls in Bershka about a year ago when shopping for Chinese New Year clothes. Truth be told, I love wearing overalls – it’s comfortable, versatile and brings back fond memories of a simpler time when all I had to worry about was what Disney movie I wanted to watch while eating lunch. It’s no surprise that my choices were limited to some of my favourite classics – Aladdin, The Lion King, Beauty and the Beast, Mulan or Hercules.
Saerah, my ex-editor from INK Magazine helped style up this look. I wore a plain white tank top from Topshop underneath the overalls, something that I usually don’t do because my go-to would be a plain white t-shirt instead. It was quite refreshing to change up my own take of styling overalls with someone else’s. I liked how it gave a flirty feel while not being too revealing.
I paired the outfit with my go-to sneakers, the Nike Roshe One Retro. It’s honestly, one of the most comfortable pairs of shoes I’ve ever owned. To complete the whole look, I tied my fringe up to give an innocent but cheeky vibe.
Honestly, I had such a good time shooting this look with Husaini. He picked the perfect location and is always up for my quirkiness. I loved how he managed to capture each moment, especially when I was in all my glorious weirdness. Grateful that we are still friends through it all! The entire time that we were shooting, I felt so young and free. It was definitely liberating to be able to bring out the inner child in me. Also, I think it sort of had a slight K-pop girl group quality to it as well, no? Those perky and energetic ones like Red Velvet or something (HAHA). At least I tried.
Location: Mont Kiara Skate Park
Styling by: Saerah Ridzuan
Photography by: Husaini Mustapha

Dear you,
Not everyone will be able to accept your quirks and boisterous attributes. And that is okay. Somewhere out there, there will be people who will love you for who you are. These people are the ones who will value you and recognise what a gem you really are. Sure, they will point out that you are indeed unique in your own way but they will by no means exclude you from their circle. You still get to annoy them and they won’t send you on your way. These are the people who matter.
You are so fearfully and wonderfully made. You are so special.
So just be you.
Because you are beautiful.
And may you never lose your childlike wonder.