The first time I stepped foot in Seoul was during the balmy summer of 2014. In August to be exact. I was excited about everything because hunny, I was now in the land of oppas. There was nothing I wanted to see more than the glorious SBS building because Running Man and Kwang Soo. Being back in this vibrant city was so exciting!
Jjimdak (찜닭) – Chicken Stew

Okay, this is jjimdak (찜닭) otherwise known as Korean chicken stew. Honestly, this thing deserves a post of its own but I have to share it now because this is probably one of the best Korean dishes I have ever had in my life. Period. Forget samgyupsal, this is where it’s at people. This innocent-looking chicken dish is so full of flavour that I am salivating just thinking about it. And I have never seen a Korean restaurant that serves this outside of Korea. Guys, I initially didn’t want rice and then I ordered rice. I ORDERED RICE WHEN I DIDN’T EVEN WANT RICE.
Gyeongbokgung Palace (경복궁)

Everyone knows Gyeongbokgung Palace. You have to see the insides at least once in your life. I didn’t go in because I have been inside and seen all of it before. It was just the nearest stop to my favourite place in Seoul – Samcheongdong.
Samcheongdong (삼청동)

This is my favourite wall in the history of walls because Running Man was filmed here sometime in 2014, and I came here not too long after that episode aired.

I watched EatYourKimchi’s video about Softree’s soft serves in July 2014 and made my way here the following month. The shop is still here and so I had to have some! This time there was no line because I think the soft serve hype has kind of died. No complaints thought. I love Softree. So. Damn. Much.
Jong Won Paek’s Noodle House

Yes, this was the third and final jjajangmyeon (짜장면) of the trip. This time, we had the one at Jong Won Paek’s noodle house. You would have seen this famous chef on variety and other food-related shows. If you haven’t then, too bad. HAHA! We also ordered jjampong (짬뽕). While I’m personally not a huge fan of seafood in soups, this was pretty damn good. I still enjoy my jjajangmyeon more though. And so our hunt ends with Paek’s. Also, Paek’s Coffee opened in Singapore not too long ago. Living in KL kind of sucks sometimes cause everyone else gets the good stuff before we do. *le sigh*
Yeouido Hangang Park (여의도한강공원)

Our last day in Seoul consisted of visiting Ewha Women’s University, having ddakgalbi nearby and meeting 태형 오빠 (Tae Hyung Oppa). Most of the afternoon was spent at Hanggang Park where we sipped on beer and talked. Well, the boys sipped on beer while I opted for milk. HAHAHA! I think it’s common knowledge that I can’t drink, and after the projectile vomit incident in January, it’s safe to say that I have been barred, now and forever, from drinking any form of alcohol. HAHAHAHAHA!
So that is the end of my Korea trip!
See you soon, 한국!