The last couple of months has been a whirlwind of ups and downs. It has made me ponder a lot about my life and the direction in which I am heading. Christmas, being my favourite season of the year, has somewhat taken a backseat this time around
The last couple of months has been a whirlwind of ups and downs. It has made me ponder a lot about my life and the direction in which I am heading. Christmas, being my favourite season of the year, has somewhat taken a backseat this time around
There’s a stillness in the air tonight. And although something doesn’t quite feel right, I am thankful. I am thankful because I have food to eat
Some days, you stay awake thinking about how hopeless life is and how nothing in your situation is going to change. On other days, you just keep sleeping
It is in the mundane that I get bored; I forget. And it’s in the mundane that I lose myself. I forget that You are sovereign. I forget that You are still in control. I forget that You are the Holy God that I worship and adore
Be still my beating heart. Be calm my restless soul. You are meant to be in slumber. Yet, you stir and quake.