Suffering is an inevitable part of life. And while there are different severities of suffering, everyone suffers in one way or another. I wouldn’t necessarily say that I am suffering at the moment but I do feel like I’m in a small pit in the valley. To be fair, life has been pretty good to me for the last year or so, granted that I went through a breakup in the beginning of 2017. Things have picked up since then and I’ve had a wonderful time for the remainder of the year.
Now here we are in 2018, and it feels like I’m facing my first hurdle. Right now, everything seems a bit dim – it’s hard to see the light at the end of the tunnel. It’s been quite hard to be away from the comforts of my office. Feeling very overwhelmed even though I know that this temporary move of 4 weeks is for the benefit of the company. That said, I think all my emotions stem from something much deeper. You see, I love structure and routine. As much as I advocate for people to step out of their comfort zones, I still think some structure is necessary. Right now, everything is just a big jumble. I feel like a trapped pigeon at the moment. HAHA!
But even in all the chaos, I know that God is good. All these feelings that I’m feeling are just a temporary transition into what He has next. Sometimes we need to let go of structure and let God – whatever it may be. So that is what I am going to do so that I can get through this season in order to step into a new one.
Today, I choose to let go and to let God because I’m not alone. Today, I will choose to trust God over dwelling on my circumstance.
Hang on, everything will get better soon. So sorry it took me some time to come over but I only discovered your comment today. (Discuss. grumbles grumbles). Life is full of changes. Just tell yourself that one day you’ll be over that peak of despair, one day you’ll get to climb down that mountain. Relax into it – yeah easier said then done – because it’s just going to be a blip in your life.