I love a good challenge. Just that I didn’t realise I did until I started working. You see, my younger self always imagined having a good and easy life. I hated the idea of being bound to a corporate job and that was one of the reasons why I choose not to qualify as a lawyer – apart from law being an absolute horror to study, of course. But as I became an adult I was soon made aware that at the age of 24, I know nothing and nothing good comes easy.
Every day you will see BuzzFeed articles about millennials. We are complacent. And to put it bluntly, very damn lazy. We are the generation that has seen VCRs turn into online streaming, walkmans turn into Spotify, creaking internet sounds to wifi and 4G, and most importantly, those large Nokia phones that can kill a cat turn into a smartphone. You think that all of those things came easy? No honey, it didn’t. Somewhere out there, someone had a challenge and worked their butt off so that we can enjoy these “necessities”. We don’t realise that passion alone cannot sustain us. Hard work and determination does.
People around me tell me that I seem to enjoy my job. And the truth is, I do. Despite the stress and challenges that I face in my work, I find fulfilment. In fact, doing what I do actually, gives me joy. And it all stems from why I do it.
You see, knowing why you’re doing what you’re doing is so important. It gives you a sense of purpose and it becomes the driving force of what you do. When you begin to grasp this concept, you could be doing the same mundane thing every single day and still feel happy doing it. For me, it’s God. Sounds cliché but this truth has never rung louder. When you start seeing God’s grand scheme for your life, everything that you do begins to have meaning. Nothing you do is wasted because you come to a realisation that everything is from God and so it becomes for God. And there is still so much in store because what you see now is just a glimpse of his awesome plan!
And whatever you do, whether in word or deed, do it all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through him.
– Colossians 3:17