Glass half empty, feeling unworthy, frustrated by the world and broken within. Despair and exhaustion, uncertainty and doubt. The rage within my soul and the tempter challenging my faith. He tells me that I am not good enough and that I will never see the light at the end of the tunnel. He dangles the emotions of self-doubt before me as if to tease me because he knows that the mind is a center for confusion. He tells me that it’s not difficult to break my willpower and he reminds me that I am weak.
The world tells me that I am not strong enough to battle through the storms. The world challenges my beliefs and my morals – can your God save you now? They rob my joy by saying they don’t need me, that the world is a better place without me. If I am not contributing and making an impact, I may as well not exist at all. They take my heart and they break it in the pretence of love. They think it’s okay to toy the emotions in me because I am someone who feels. They throw me around like a rag doll.
But You know the depths of my heart and You know the emptiness I feel inside. You look into my soul and all You find is joy. Your love abounds and surpasses me. You tell me that the burden is not mine to bear. You tell me to come and rest at the cross. You remind me to stop listening to the lies. You remind me that I can depend on You when everything around me is hurling around in a hurricane. You remind me that I am chosen, not broken.
You look at my empty heart and You see me.
You see me and You call me by name.
You call me by name and You love me.
You love me.
And that is enough.