Photo by John Salvino on Unsplash

Often when I’m alone, an overwhelming sense of dread takes over. Not because I miss you; not because I want you back; not because you were once the light in my life. It takes all of my being to stop that thought and as much as I hate to admit it, sometimes I fail. Your touch against my skin lingers. Your laugh plays like a haunting melody in my ears. Your gaze penetrates through my body like amber even though we’re miles apart. Am I foolish for thinking about you?

My mind drifts over to the moment your eyes met mine – a perfect symmetry. We both recognised that spark. Familiar but different. You asked me for my name and shook my hand. And before I knew it, you swept me off my feet. We shared more than just a common love for indie music, more than just our love for adventure, more than just nervous stares from across the room. We shared our souls, laid it bare under the glimmer of the stars and the moon illuminating the night sky.

The heart is not as fragile as it seems, though. It is capable of healing itself but not without creating a seal of fear and anxiety. Falling in love after a broken heart takes twice the effort and an exponential measure of courage. And yet here we are, ready to give the unknown another chance.

If heaven could give me all the love in the world, I would ask for yours.
