

For weeks, my entire being ached with an ache that I have never experienced before. It was the rip my soul to pieces, shatter my heart, and leave me broken kind of painful. The nights haunt me with shadows of you

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Dear 18, I promised you that someday I will tell our story. That time is now. Don’t be afraid. I’ve got you and I’m holding on tightly to your hand. Let’s go

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Difficult weeks have been a rare occurrence of late but somehow I found myself in the middle of a storm. There was a sense of looming darkness so tangible that I could not help but feel undone

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Over the weekend I was able to catch up with a friend, Jon, from university whom I have not seen since 2016. When we last met, it was in Brisbane and I was in a relationship that was derailing and breaking at the seams

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Glass half empty, feeling unworthy, frustrated by the world and broken within. Despair and exhaustion, uncertainty and doubt. The rage within my soul and the tempter challenging my faith

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